The Master's degree in Automotive Engineering has the objective to bring up automotive engineers with a high level of competences. This level of competences should allow the graduates to easily adapt themselves to positions of a high responsibility in companies or research centers that belong to the automotive sector.
The master has been planned in such a way that the student acquires a deep knowledge in the theoretic-practical fundamentals of automotive engineering and in the technology that is linked to the manufacture of automobile vehicles.
This Master degree is structured in: compulsory subjects, that will provide the student with the necessary multidisciplinary formation, and the optional subjects, with which students may complete their formation in those ambits in which they are most highly interested.
The compulsory subjects provide knowledge and abilities in the ambit of bodywork, chassis’ components, motor line, electricity and electronics, management and planning.
They cover from basic aspects of a vehicle’s structure and its mechanical systems, to the steering systems and electronic controls, and the vehicle’s manufacturing management and development plans.
The Master will be developed combining theory and practical activities (lecturing classes, autonomous study, resolution of exercises and practical sessions in the laboratory) with guided visits at several industries and assay/testing laboratories.
An important part of the students’ learning will consist in the resolution of several synthesis exercises or transversal projects, through knowledge activities that are based on problems or projects (PBL), mainly working in reduced cooperation working groups. During the last quarter there will be the possibility to carry out an internship in a company of the sector or in some research and development center. During this quarter the student will carry out the End of Master Project.
Professional opportunities
Graduates will be able to easily adapt themselves to responsibility positions in companies or research centers that belong to the automotive sector.